The issue of whether society should or should not embrace homosexuality brings to the fore the attendant global polarization on this subject.
Arguments have been made for and against the practice of homosexuality, with either side trying to justify their take on this issue. It worth noting that in their arguments people take various positions: spiritual, moral, psychological and even a legal viewpoint. Unlike the days of yore when homosexuality was a discreet practice, today’s world has witnessed open advocacy for the acceptance of same-sex marriages. This paper takes a spiritual view on this issue vis-a-vis a psychological perspective
Views on homosexuality: Psychological versus Christian perspective
The causes of homosexual tendencies have been tried to be explained by Psychologists, who ascribe biological and psychological factors. For instance, Sigmud Freud in his early work believed that people were inherently born with sexual libidinal drives that were not clearly defined, and as such homosexuality could be as a result of this. However, the Christian perspective is that homosexuality is immoral behavior and hence a sin. Other psychoanalysis views slightly differed with Freud’s view arguing that homosexuality was natural and a reparative attempt to achieve sexual pleasure where heterosexual engagements become a threat.
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On the Christian front, homosexuality has been seen as going against God’s will and His purpose of creation. As such, homosexuality has become a thorn in the flesh for the faithful in many ways. According to Craig (2011), homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle is one of most controversial issues that face the church today. For instance, the paedophile priests in the Catholic Church saga to the acceptance of gay ministers in the Anglican Church have squarely put the church in a 22-catch situation. Anyone who frown at homosexuals has been denounced as intolerant, homophobic and even hateful, something that goes against Christian teaching of love, humility, acceptance and kindness to those unlike us.
Later arguments on the etiology of homosexuality were based on the premise that it was as a result of pathological family relationships during early stages of psychosexual development (4-5 years). However, other psychologists believed that homosexual tendencies proceeded the oedipal period and hence more pathological than early thought. The cause of homosexuality notwithstanding, a research by Pew Research Center (2013) highlights some significant issues. The study found out that there is a great variance as to whether homosexuality should be accepted or rejected in society. A survey of 39 countries established that there was broad acceptance of same-sex marriages in North America, the European Union, and most of Latin America. However, there was equal rejection in the Muslim world, Africa, parts of Asia and Russia. Of importance to note is that homosexuality was predominantly acceptable in rich countries and people had little regard for religious beliefs. For instance, the Pew Research established that 98% of Nigerians and 93% of Indonesians denounced homosexuality. In the US today, 60% of Americans advocate for the acceptance of homosexuality as compared to 49% in 2007.
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The common denominator in all religious groups is that they condemn the practice of homosexuality. For instance, the Bible talks of Jesus Christ coming to save the sinners, and as much as it does not condemn homosexual orientation, it clearly condemns homosexual acts. For instance, Leviticus 18:22 clearly state that it is an absolute abomination for a man to sleep with another man as a woman, for the punishment for such an act is death. Other examples for condemnation of homosexual acts in the bible include the destruction of Sodom after the attempted gang rape of Lot’s visitors by the male inhabitants. In 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10, the Bible states thus “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the Kingdom of God”.
The issue of homosexuality continues to raise many concerns as to what is right and wrong as well as the constitutional rights of individuals to act and express themselves freely. Many constitutional rights of gay people have been ratified by courts and allow them to engage in same-sex marriage and enjoy the benefits of any ordinary marriage.
However, from a biblical point of view, homosexuality is a sin and is prohibited. But the question is: who are we to judge, for we have all fallen short of the glory of God?
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