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The C.I.O. is responsible for the organization of tasks in the Technology Department. He/she formulates a strategic plan to improve the performance of the company’s system and tools to help them deliver quality service to support the goal of the enterprise. The implantation of modernize utilities and gadgets for the benefit of providing and gathering more accurate and efficient information is also a decision that has to be made by this executive officer. The job description of a C.I.O. is more complex that what it sounds. He/she plays a major factor in the success of an enterprise. The job requires intelligent, innovative and feasible inputs to be successful and proficient in the global market. The C.I.O. reports directly to either the Chief Operations Officer or the Chief Executive Officer. The inclusion of the C.I.O. to the board members is a consideration that has to be asserted. The role helps the company to become more competitive and the ideas proposed by this Executive are critical to the success of the enterprise. Every decision made in his/her department would surely undertake serious calibrations and due to the complexity of the matter, someone has to represent their department during board meetings to be able to defend and justify the prospective improvements on the system distribution within the infrastructure and easier technical outputs of the formulated strategic plan. The most capable person to handle this kind of pressure is the C.I.O. considering that he is the most knowledgeable person that the company can rely on in terms of innovation, modernization, and optimization of the utilities relevant to the elevation of the reputation of the business. Therefore, my assertion about the subject matter is that C.I.O. can be more effective if proper recognition will be given to him/her. A recognition that will secure a spot on the board of members, by doing so, the technical department will have a representative in the Board and the voice of the said department will be amplified with help of their respective C.I.O.


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