How important is careful planning to staying motivated in college and ultimately to attaining a degree?
Developing a life plan is quite a challenging experience. Even though it might appear simple, completing it is quite tasking. It demands that you incorporate many futuristic plans, most of which may not have been even given a though before. This aspect makes life plan development quite hectic if not demanding. The plan, however, makes one to realize that they have been falling behind many achievement programs for failing to lay down good plans. This aspect is quite enlightening. The planning process actually made me realize how badly I needed a concrete plan to drive my decisions and to influence my choices. I actually wonder how I have been able to achieve most of my life’s objectives without detailed and proper planning.
The advising session was wonderful. It opened my eyes to new approaches in life. Instead of making important decisions based on observations and information gathered from other students, who are as ignorant and na’ve as I am, I realized that credible sources and experienced experts exist who are more than ready to mould students and to show them the way of success and prosperity. Based on credible information and concrete advice I got, I was able to develop a wonderful schedule for next semester, which aims at bringing out the best in me. I also realized that development of plans require discipline.
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Developing life plan proved to be an integral part of my future success. The plan had a significant effect on my advising experience. It made me realize that though the advising program is crucial; my personal planning is of utmost importance to my success in college. This is because the plan gave me the power to take responsibility for all my actions, assisted me in keeping track of all important dates in the college calendar and in my personal calendar, and, most importantly helped me in keeping the records of all my actions and decisions made without many considerations. This provides the opportunity to correct my mistakes and to take appropriate corrective measures to return me to my original plans. Since the plan laid down my major undertakings, it consequently narrowed my need for advising on a frequent basis. In fact, with the program, I am in a position to choose when to seek to advise, that is, during insurmountable challenges. I am also prepared for many challenges. Unlike before, I now live knowing that challenges are part of college life and that I should always be prepared to meet them.
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Being in college is a great pleasure. Most importantly, taking the course of my desire is more satisfying. My confidence is equally high. This is because I have control over all my plans, which places me on the right track to success in my education and life. Considering my prepared schedule, I am in a position to be early for my studies and to take charge of my study activities. My confidence is also boosted by my awareness of course content, which I covered comprehensively while preparing my schedule for next semester. Considering the mind-opening activities I have involved in, I can say I am ready to learn new techniques and methods of achieving life goals. This has also made me confident enough to face my future college life without any fears.
Careful planning is central to staying motivated in college. Proper planning enables students to prepare for challenges. It also gives students the opportunity to collect any necessary resources for their course requirements thereby eliminating chances of time wastage. By planning, one comes to realize that all objectives detailed in the plan are achievable. Since detailed plans provide a roadmap for achieving listed objectives, people get motivated to achieve the set objectives.
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