Federalism includes a process of lack of specific laws that govern certain fundamental aspects in a state. In the United States of America, the federalization of medicinal marijuana does not really exist. No particular body in the state governs the consumption of this substance. Moreover, the federal government possesses no legal powers over this act. Thus, the power over the consumption of this substance seems to lie in the hands of the citizens. Federalism simply implies that no particular body that rules or governs the medicinal marijuana.

As defined by the Controlled Substance Act, marijuana includes a substance with a high physical and psychological dependence. Hence, it occurs more prone to abuse by individuals. However, despite this fact, the federal government of the United States of America possesses no power over this drug.

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Matters pertaining to the legalization or illegalization of medicinal marijuana should occur as the sole responsibility of the federal government. Over the years, the responsibilities of the federal government occurred less than required. To this effect, the duty of controlling the consumption of medicinal marijuana should be the taken by the federal government. All other factors affecting the state possess a good amount of monitoring by either the state or the federal government. These include matters such as peace and foreign businesses. On the contrary, medicinal marijuana has been left out as a matter of the citizens to decide over.

The legalization of this substance is yet to undergo a voting process by the citizens. Moreover, the Head of State took no reasonable action in the illegalization of this substance. In addition, this level of ignorance on this national pandemic occurred in order to destruct the concentration of the public. Despite the fact that the federal government should possess an upper hand in controlling the illegalization of medicinal marijuana, the state still possesses the role of emphasizing on this matter.

The issue of medicinal marijuana continues to prevail in the state, this occurs since there is no particular law that governs its consumption. Neither the Congress nor the Federal government possesses the power over this substance. Thus, its consumption continues to increase within the public. The president of the United States of America also takes no steps in ensuring the prohibition of this toxic substance. In case the trade and consumption of medicinal marijuana within the state, this would completely contrast the federal laws against this issue. The current condition underlying the consumption of this drug tends to drag the eventual illegalization of the substance. This occurs since this raw occurs between the ruling bodies in the state.


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The federal law still tends to win over the Congress since its world final. Although the Congress legalized the consumption of medicinal marijuana in the state, this idea faced complete detest from the federal government. Since the federal government possesses greater powers than the Congress, it won over the decision of illegalizing the substance. However, the matter still faces challenges because there is no particular body that gives rules over the usage of medicinal marijuana.

The tenth amendment considers the consumption of the medicinal marijuana as legal. In addition, the rule as stated by the federal government still faces detest nationally. This leaves the responsibility for the matter on the public despite the fact that medicinal marijuana stands as a grade 1 narcotic.

In summary, the federal government may possess an upper hand in deciding on the legalization or illegalization of this substance. However, once the state gives the issue less value and weight, this substance remains without a particular rule of law over its consumption. In addition, most people in the public tend to think that the classification of marijuana as a Class 1 narcotic appears as the main reason behind this raw. Thus, majority think that changing the class of marijuana would avoid its assumption as a toxic substance (Caulkins, 2012).

Once the state extends powers to the federal government on medicinal marijuana, this would occur as an appropriate step in providing power over this substance. At least there would be a particular body that governs the legalization or illegalization of medicinal marijuana. Moreover, this matter remains independent as long as federalization lacks.

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