Chandrasekar, K. (2011). Workplace environment and its impact on organizational performance in public sector organizations. International Journal of Enterprise Computing and Business, 1. Retrieved from
The study described the way in which the workplace environment contributed to productivity and employee morale. The author believed that this impact might be both positive and negative depending on the numerous features. Thus, obtained findings revealed poorly designed settings with excessive noise, unsuitable furniture, bad lighting, and lack of safety measures, among others. These characteristics indicated unhealthy and unsafe workplaces in the majority of industries. This study noted that people working in such conditions were more prone to be affected by occupational diseases than those working at home.
Clements-Croome, D. & Baizhan, L. (2000). Productivity and the indoor environment. Proceedings of Healthy Buildings, 2000, 1, 629 – 634.
The findings outlined in this study focused on the connection between productivity and the physical environment. The crowded workplaces in the numerous office buildings affected the physical environment and reduced job satisfaction. The authors gathered the quantitative and qualitative data necessary to estimate occupational stress indicator that produced job dissatisfaction. Throughout the research, the authors determined that stuffiness, crowded workplaces, thermal problems, stick building factors were the main factors reducing productivity. Analytical process in conjunction with occupational stress indicator was used to analyze the data.
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Greef, M., Broek, K., & European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. (2004). Quality of the working environment and productivity: Research findings and case studies. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
This paper overlooked accidents in the individual company related to computer crimes. The authors also discussed how the victims were affected using social networks. It was stated that a production process was accompanied by Internet hazards, and the society was responsible for these negative outcomes. Furthermore, the study described the way in which health and safety impacted the productivity of the company where they worked. Conceptual framework demonstrated a workplace model of economic outcomes of their employees analyzing individual practical cases.
2012 JBSAV – quantifying productivity – workplace insight. (2012). Journal of Building Survey, Appraisal & Valuation, 1(2). Retrieved from
The article focused on the world commercial property markets that had experienced global changes in recent decades. Political and economic problems created uncertainties among all the stakeholders and encouraged the managers to switch their efforts from paperwork to a property. This change would attract more global investors who were searching for alternatives. The paper tended to encourage more real estate companies to participate with each other at the international level. Furthermore, there was a controversy between the opinions whether the new employees could contribute more into the business than the older workers.
International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate ISIAQ. (n.d.). Retrieved from
The abstract provides a definition of ISIAQ as an international, independent, multidisciplinary, scientfic, non-profit organization that is responsible for comfortable, healthy, and productive workplaces. It is believed that this goal can be achieved through considerable advances in air quality, construction, design, maintenance, and operation, as well as health sciences. The importance of the topics mentioned in the article encourages the participants of Indoor Air 2016 to use this information during the conference.
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Rath, T., Harter, J., & Harter, J. (2010). Well-being: The five essential elements. New York, NY: Gallup Press.
This phenomenological study gave a precise insight on how to increase well-being in the organizations giving numerous advice. As a part of these findings, Gallup provided a survey based on the investigation of more than 150 countries around the world. Considering the respondents’ answers, the authors gathered the data and made corresponding conclusions. Upon the completion of their findings, the researchers determined the five main elements of well-being in the workplace, such as career, social, financial, physical factors, and community. Although their findings seemed to be universal, the individuals in different parts of the world had their personal paths to achieve them.
Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
The findings outlined that there are many choices of investigation, and they must provide guidance on the research. The author stated that a proposal or plan plays an important role in presenting all the facets of the findings. The study offered to start research from assessing philosophical phenomenon before collecting the detailed data. Analysis procedures required to prove the coherence of ideas with the literature and scientific opinions. The practice of the research had shown that philosophical consumptions must be combined with corresponding methodologies and strategies.
Cancialosi, C. (2015). How the modern workplace is driven by six core human needs. Forbes.Retrieved from
In his abstract, Cancialosi gave a synopsis of human dynamics and work during eighty years of the research in the field of sociology, psychology, and anthropology. He provided a framework for exhaustive search identifying its main directions, namely security, status, purpose, achievement, belonging, and autonomy. The discussion supported the development of the relationships with the countries’ leaders in the whole world offering them a wide net of questions in order to help them understand the purpose and character of the work. The author tended to discover connectors that could combine the abovementioned human needs with the workplace setting.
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Daft, R. (2012). Organization theory and design. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
The author argues that the organization theory and design are a valuable tool for powerful corporations, such as Lehman Brothers or Bank of America to reach phenomenal success in the world market. Organization theory is believed to be a core reason for their success. The study explains what the strategies can help the company to attain effectiveness. It also focuses on the corporation culture, ethical issues, and some organization problems.
Harvard guide to using sources. (n.d.).
This guide teaches the readers how to use primary and secondary sources that differ from each other. Thus, primary sources are original documents that present historical raw materials. Usually, a researcher interprets events or accounts based on the scientific experience. Therefore, the primary sources present valid data providing a sense of historical complexity, which helps a researcher to use analytical skills and critical thinking. Primary sources help scientists to speculate about different phenomena and historical events.
Jha, N. K. (2008). Research methodology. Chandigarh: Abhishek Publications.
This book identifies different ways to fulfill the requirements of a dissertation. Providing the research in a specific field of study, a researcher should make a thorough analysis of the collected data, talk to discuss it with the tutors, and review similar dissertations. The author assumes that methodology includes not only methods but also personal considerations regarding the theories and concepts that help to choose the methods. In order to use them properly, a researcher should understand them first.
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bibliography list
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Kurrer, K. (2012). The history of the theory of structures: From arch analysis to computational mechanics. New York, NY: Erns & Sohn.
This research paper gave a clear analysis about portfolios of the current office properties utilizing an online survey to identify staff satisfaction and occupation efficiency. The outcomes of this survey were based on the data of 192 buildings. The authors proved considerable differences in the layout of the office workplaces in clusters of buildings and individual properties. They noted that many offices need strategic property improvements. The paper also provided the history of the theory utilized in the arch analysis.
Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for information: An introduction to the histories, theories, and be
st practices behind effective information visualizations. Beverly, MA: Rockport Publishers.
This book provides analytical and critical tools that are used by the researchers to optimize the design process. Information design presents visualizations that tend to analyze design methods and principles. The author represents a fraction of effective visualizations. He also shares he believes that people should learn from others how to develop their skills necessary for design making. The goal of this book is to bridge the technical requirements with the design aspects of visualization.
Moore, G. T. & Marans, R. W. (2013). Toward the integration of theory, methods, research, and utilization. New York, NY: Plenum Press.
This study focuses on epistemological issues underlying the importance and nature of the theory in the design field and environment behavior. The author describes the differences and similarities between EB theory and design theory. Furthermore, he indicates that science, theory, and the philosophy of theory are concerned with the improvement of understanding nature. A profound explanation is given to the formulation of a research question, research design, various methods of data collection and analysis, etc.
Rau, P. L. (2013). Cross-cultural design. Methods, practice, and case studies. Las Vegas: NV: Springer.
This study aims to construct an analysis of the cultural products in order to present a design process using different methods, practices, and case studies. The research is based on design experiments. The author explores cultural approaches to the problem involving various practices in the respective field. He considers that culture should spread in the form of cultural products recognition. The designers should evaluate cultural products and asses local demands. The contribution of this study is an attempt to identify and implement a design using various methods.
Key Findings
Friedman, R. (2014). The best place to work: The art and science of creating an extraordinary workplace. New York, NY: Penguin Group.
The author tried to find a rationale between productivity and employees’ satisfaction. He came to the conclusion that happy workers bring higher profits for their organizations. Their company was more successful from the different points of view because the individuals were more enthusiastic about their work. The literature reviews provided information that happy staff was more creative, more productive, and could ensure excellent service. The world’s most profitable businesses are successful not only due to knowledge management but also to their employees. A workplace is another metric that identifies its quality.
Eastman, C. M., Eastman, C. M & Teicholz, P. (2011). BIM Handbook: A guide to building information modeling for owners, managers, designers, engineers, and contractors. (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Penguin Group.
The author focused on the professional gap between the builders and designers that appeared in the Renaissance period and continued to grow during the centuries. Nowadays, buildings have become increasingly complex and require collaboration between engineers, designers, and other professionals. The discussion was supported by the numerous examples reflecting the rationale of their work. Furthermore, they offered flexibility in resolving technical solutions. However, the findings indicated areas that lacked knowledge. For example, the study proved that many builders lacked their own production lines, but did not explain possible solutions to the problem.
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Greef, M., Broek, K. & European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. (2004). Quality of the working environment and productivity: Research findings and case studies. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
This working paper focused on the correlation between productivity and good working environment. The purpose of the study was to understand how the latter may establish effective safety and health policies that could improve positive effects at the company level. The set of rules would help the company to gain its objections and encourage the employees to attain better productivity. Every company was searching to improve not only its workplace design layout but also performance productivity of the home area or commercial property.
Lam, K. C. (1996). Feng Shui Handbook: How to create a healthier living and working environment. New York, NY: Henry Holt.
This study presented a comprehensive view of the space where people interacted with each other. The author tried to explain the nature of these differences, including cultural, physical, and personal issues. He showed full awareness of the personal preferences at a workplace and how they could evaluate their differences in motivation among Canadian, Russian, and Israeli employees. However, the study lacked ethical considerations of many conflicts that often happen at a workplace. The better awareness of these opinions could give a deeper insight into how to solve these problems. Despite the fact that the research consisted of some qualitative data, it also had a quantitative character.
Ball, M., Lizieri, C., & MacGregor, B. (2012). The economics of commercial property markets. New York, N: Routledge.
The authors discussed new applications in the commercial property, illustrating numerous surveys. Commercial markets experienced essential changes during the last decades. The findings indicate the importance of economic collaboration, planning, design, and geography of the workplace in commercial property and home area. This book intends to explain what forces are able to maximize the property markets and their limitations at the national level. This study determines the main ideas of the field, incomplete knowledge, and presents possible solutions.
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Mallory-Hill, S, Preiser, W., & Watson, K. (2012). Enhancing building performance. Ames, Iowa: John Willey & Sons, Ltd.
This book gave a historical review on the topic focusing particularly on the works of environmental psychologists who suggested that the workplaces could affect people both negatively and positively. This study was based on a comparison of the different working environment. The author noted that the first environment-behavior building evaluations presented a systematic assessment of these buildings with environmental, behavioral, technical, and financial components. The discussion of “Post Occupancy Evaluation” identified the main idea of the research and incomplete knowledge in this field.
Oxenburgh, M., Marlow, P., & Oxenburgh, A. (2005). Increasing productivity and profit through health & safety: The financial returns from a safe working environment. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
This study described the productivity assessment tool that could be used in manufacturing or service workplace. The role of this analysis was to estimate the productivity and the effectiveness of the workplace changes. On the other hand, the opponents of changes assumed that they could decrease safety due to the scarce recourses. Such analysis played an essential role in evaluating financial resources in the real estate industry both in commercial and home area. However, this positioned study insisted on the changes that were a source of progress.
Saval, N. (2014). Cubed: A secret history of the workplace. New York, NY: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.
This book made insight into the history of the nineteenth-century clerks who worked in small places known as “counting houses’ comparing them to the modern ones. The office work was completely implemented by men, and most Americans doubted whether that work was real. However, historical changes led to the modernization of the offices and raised their value. The offices became better designed, and the clerical work received more appreciation than before. Moreover, the skyscrapers offered large working spaces and new opportunities. The author argued whether the ability to work in any place anytime could be an advantage to modern employees.
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Scott, P. (2013). The property masters: A history of the British commercial property sector. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis Group.
The author discussed the British commercial property sector that is considered as one of the most sophisticated in the world. However, during the last decades, a variety of factors have affected it by depression and price collapses. The findings have estimated that the consequences of economic crises resulted in a sharp reduction of its further development. The boom phases of the property cycle had also negative economic effects. Speculative prices arose from trading, take-overs, and other similar activities led to the escalation of the property prices without creating anything of material value.
Brown, P. (2014). Facility layout and design. Retrieved from
A great variety of data allowed a researcher to discuss and analyze engineering training modules. He defined the plant layout discipline as one of the core factors of gaining the company’s goal. The author’s desire to find a perfect decision encouraged him to review such aspects as unit location, main access, equipment location, and space around equipment, among others. The paper identified the main steps necessary for operation access and maintenance.
Hassanain, M. A. (2010). Analysis of factors influencing office workplace planning and design in corporate facilities. Journal of Building Appraisal, 6, 183–197. doi:10.1057/jba.2010.22
The article assumed that the office buildings were valuable objects being fixed assets for an organization. The primary task of these assets was to accommodate the employees and create a pleasant working environment. Office buildings occupied a lot of space for various activities that included planning, filing, supervising, designing, analyzing, and communicating. The author noted that the office space was designed in accordance with the plan and it was regularly improved by the managers in order to make it more efficient. Modern manufacturing facilities were focused on the improvement of the space where people create and document information, plan, design, and conduct research.
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Hensen, J., & Lamberts, R. (2012). Building performance simulation for design and operation.Abington, OX: Spon Press.
This book presented numerous views of the researchers in the field of building performance and operation. It was arranged in a phenomenological format that covered a great scope of applications used to make decisions in the respective field. In addition to a wide amount of topics covered, the study provided vivid examples of the practical application to formulate operational solutions and design. They were considered as acceptable in terms of performance criteria relating to thermal comfort, indoor air, carbon emissions, energy, and operational costs.
Jarrett, C (n.d.).The perfect workspace (According to science). Retrieved from…/the-perfect-workspace
The abstract suggests that an office manager should involve all the employees into its design. Some companies allocate a small budget to buy furniture suitable for a workplace setting. Many ideas are taken into consideration in order to improve office design, such as a pin-board, where the employees can post their children’ pictures, family photos, etc. The main idea of this article is to find ways to make any office a pleasant place to work for every person.
The impact of office design on business performance. (n.d.). National Archives. Retrieved from
This study tried to observe the history of office buildings in the United States. The content of the corresponding finding was full of regret concerning the architecture of the past as a successful infrastructure of business as compared to the modern trends in the design. This background question became a core one in this study. Labyrinthine and cube interiors were an interpretation of bureaucratic frustration. A literature review helped assess the relationship between business performance and the design of the workplace.
Rogers, Y., Sharp, H., & Preece, J. (2011). Interaction design: Beyond human-computer interaction. (3rd ed.). Chichester, UK: John Willey & Sons, Ltd.
This textbook was aimed at appealing to a wide range of professionals and technology users who could develop their knowledge through learning about an innovative approach, topic, or interface. The study provided requirements for suitable designs teaching practical techniques. The authors discussed and provided examples of multimodal interfaces, multimedia, mixed reality, mobile, and web interfaces. This study tried to prove that design and evaluation were interchangeable and highly interleaving processes, with some theory. However, it relied strongly on the practice to create competitive products.
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Telford, T. (2003). The value of housing design and layout. National Archives. Retrieved from
This book represents a guide for the clients who are planning new workplaces that can satisfy the employees. The author describes masterplan giving detailed instructions on how to develop it. The purpose of this masterplan is to encourage individuals to progress and achieve the desired outcomes. The findings provide a report regarding the issues, which must be included in the masterplan.
Veitch, J. A. (2011). Workplace design contributions to mental health and well-being. Retrieved from
This paper focuses on the workplace design that can improve mental health and well-being of the employees. It is obvious that people spend much time in workplace settings and often experience stressful situations. Office design should be directed to diminish such situations using different techniques. The paper comprises a review of the mental health literature that can be helpful to eliminate many workplace conflicts. It also provides corresponding proposals to the owners for new considerations and directions to implement this information in the office design.
Issues and Debates
Bortolot, L. (2014). Designing a better office space. Entrepreneur. Retrieved from
The article focuses on the office of the future as a great place of exchanging ideas. The author argues that employee engagement is more important than new technology. New sustainability requires transparency and collaboration. Modern offices resemble incubations that need a considerable rethinking of their design. The findings indicate that the contemporary generation does not know how a real estate office should look like. However, employees with a high level of collaboration are satisfied with the working environment.
Leblebici, D. (2012). Impact of workplace quality on employee’s productivity: a Case study of a bank in Turkey. Journal of Business, Economics & Finance, 1(1), 38-49.
The author’s desire was to determine factors available to contribute to the turnover of CIMB Bank. They believed that managers should measure the turnover intention in the aspect of the working environment, stress factors, career growth, and compensation salary. The authors used the survey method to collect primary data. Thus, they developed 120 questionnaires and distributed them among the bank employees. The analysis of the questionnaires allowed them to collect important data and make corresponding conclusions.
Mathis, R. L. & Jackson, J. H., & Valentine, S. R. (2014). Human resource management (14th ed.). Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western.
The authors had identified the objectives of the study and tried to define appropriate solutions to the outlined problems. The emphasis was made on the human capital and whether they could function as a core competency. The discussion supported the key competencies of HR professionals. The study had evidence of qualitative research while a quantitative angle was also considered. Multiple approaches to the problem identified a vivid discussion regarding the core competency of HR professionals.
Mawson, A. (2001). The workplace and its impact on productivity. Advanced Workplace Associates.
This study was a reminder to those who worked in the office environment and tended to improve their productivity. Although it was not hard to understand, it was less clear than before to assess it. The author explored the impact of the workplace on the employees’ productivity. The researcher focused on two opposite opinions and argued whether working in the office was more productive than working at home. Furthermore, he concentrated on the importance of the workplace for productivity in various settings.
Murrell, K. F. H., & Murrell, K. F. H. (2008). Ergonomics: Man in his working environment. London: Chapman and Hall.
This abstract focused on recent discoveries in the commercial real estate industry. The authors were debating making an emphasis on the pauses in the work operations discussing whether these breaks may improve work productivity. These innovations were introduced to reduce fatigue and stress without loss of earning and productions as well as acknowledging social needs for communication. They discussed the rest of 10 minutes after each hour. However, a proposal had some limitations concerning different outcomes of such rest pauses.
Price, I., & Clark, L. (2009). An output approach to property portfolio performance measurement. Property management, 27(1), 6-15.
The findings are debating about significant differences between individual properties and clusters of buildings. The analysis provided by the authors showed the performance of relatively similar workplaces with a different layout. They discussed how well the occupiers used the buildings and how satisfied was the staff comparing to the average standards. A big emphasis was made on the design and how it could influence the effectiveness of the employees.
Vischer, J. C. (2012). Workspace strategies: Environment as a tool for work. New York, NY: Chapman & Hall.
The author observed the latest trends of the workplace space in the United States of America, debating that those individual space standards were decreasing while the overall amount of space per individual in a building was rising. It was imperative to use effective personal working spaces and determine the most cost-effective ways of their use. The findings had determined that meeting the needs of a business unit could be provided through the feedback, environmental negotiations, and task analysis.
Ward, P., & McCabe, M. (2011). Microsoft SharePoint 2010 business performance enhancement.Boca Raton, FL: Packt Publishing.
The authors focused on the abilities of new technology that made the world smaller. In this global environment, companies need more transparency for more sophisticated communication. SharePoint might be a successful strategy to aid productivity in managing information in the workplace. Many findings encouraged the users to develop new skills necessary for working with Microsoft Office. The authors noted that in the modern world, personal life and work were interlinked. That encouraged e users to make regular updates to their programs in order to improve the company’s productivity.
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